"Fashion Foodnotes - Understanding the Social, Environmental and Cultural Implications of the Food-Fashion Nexus" (working title)
Betreut durch PD. Dr. Charlotte Lerg
Academic Profile
Lara Rößig graduated with a B.A. in North American Studies and Ancient History in 2016. Afterwards she spent the first semester of her master's program "American History, Culture and Society" at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. She received the LMU Exchange scholarship as well as the ProsaLMU scholarship during her studies abroad. Based on her research interest in popular culture she wrote her master's thesis on the construction of American myths in a Duck McScrooge comic book,(„Go West, Young Duck“ – Mythos in Onkel Dagobert – Sein Leben, seine Milliarden von Don Rosa). The thesis was nominated for the "Alumni Award" for the best master's thesis 2018 by the Alumni Association of the Amerika-Institut Munich.
She joined the ProAmHist program in 2019 and is currently writing on the connection of food and fashion, with special focus on topics relating to identity construction, (environmental) awareness, social values and gender performance. In 2021 she was awarded a doctoral scholarship from the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and is a grantee of the German-American Fulbright Commission's Doktorandenprogram.
Lara Rößig has been an active member of the Fachschaft Amerikanistik LMU (student association) since 2014 and is the student representative of the graduate program.